ISOFLAMM® roof waterproofing system –
quality for generations
Exceeding the standards for decades
Materials of the highest quality, long-term weather resistance, excellent durability, and safe but simple installation: the demands that Slavonia makes for its roof waterproofing membranes seem high. They can only be met by a product that stands out from the crowd.
Slavonia has realized this task more than half a century ago. Creating the first APP polymer-bitumen membrane in Austria, the company laid the foundations for a high-quality concept that revolutionised the Austrian waterproofing market. This membrane is called ISOFLAMM®. Through continuous development and improvement of its ISOFLAMM® waterproofing membranes, Slavonia has not only been ahead of the market; in fact its premium products in APP polymer-bitumen technology are better than the standards require.
APP stands for Atactic PolyPropylene. This high-quality APP roof waterproofing gets its extreme durability and robustness from the production process. An elastoplastic compound is manufactured from distilled special bitumen and selected polypropylene resins. Reinforced with two layers of polyester fleece and glass-fibre fleece it ensures excellent dimensional stability in the finished ISOFLAMM® waterproofing membrane.
As a result, ISOFLAMM® can be installed on any exposed flat roof. There is no slippage in vertical applications or heavily inclined flat-roof constructions such as saw-tooth roofs. Thanks to a temperature resistance of up to 140 °C, the roof waterproofing does not soften – a criterion that is becoming increasingly important in the face of climate change.

ISOFLAMM® PS 5 – top quality that lives up to its promise
Whether for new builds or renovations: ISOFLAMM® PS 5 is essential for professional flat roof waterproofing.
The ISOFLAMM® roof waterproofing system, tried and tested for decades, stands out in the market with its extraordinary quality features. Thanks to these quality attributes, Slavonia is the only manufacturer to qualify for structural approval (BTZ-0016) from the Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering (OIB). This approval permits ISOFLAMM® PS 5 membranes to be installed in a single layer application – a unique selling point.
Attributes of ISOFLAMM® PS 5:
- Top-quality materials (better than recommended by the standards)
- Long-term weather and UV resistance (without the use of slate finish protection, paint, or surface protection)
- Durability for 30 years or more
- Simple, safe and inexpensive installation
- Dimensionally stable and extremely robust
- Hail-proof as demonstrated by the original ice-ball test
- Can be installed in a single layer as per K3 of ÖNORM B3691
- Professional installation support from the Slavonia team
ISOFLAMM® – more than just waterproofing membranes
Not all flat roofs are the same. Every surface to be waterproofed poses different challenges, especially when it comes to renovation. However – Slavonia is prepared for all needs, offering a broad range of accessories for ISOFLAMM® polymer-bitumen waterproofing membranes, including gullies, cable feedthroughs, fans and lightning conductor feedthroughs.
Slavonia also calculates wind load and fall protection and supplies the required products.
For more information about our ISOFLAMM® flat roof waterproofing system, see Downloads.