AustroVap® vapour-barrier membranes –

the self-adhesive version

Effective protection for thermal insulation

Vapour barriers regulate the structural-physical balance in the roof structure. They are used to prevent moisture from penetrating a thermally insulated construction. If such moisture protection is not provided, moisture penetrates the insulation material, which results in the formation of mould and ultimately damages the basic structure of a building.

Vapour barriers are required for several roof structures such as non-ventilated roofs, for example, the preferred flat roof structure for residential, office, warehouse and industrial buildings.

As a specialist in flat roof waterproofing, Slavonia naturally also offers high-quality vapour barrier membranes. As well as various versions of ISOFLAMM® vapour barrier membranes suitable for torching, it also offers AustroVap® vapour-barrier membranes – cold-bonding self-adhesive membranes that are quick to install. They are suitable for corrugated metal ceilings and multi-layer wood ceilings. Though rather thin this vapour-barrier is very resistant to mechanical strain.


ISOFLAMM® vapour-barrier membranes – self-adhesive moisture protection that lives up to its promise

AustroVap® vapour barrier membranes are equipped with an aluminium compound reinforcement. They feature an especially high vapour barrier value with a water vapour permeability of sd ≥ 1,500 m.

AustroVap® vapour barrier membranes:

AustroVap® SK-AL 0.2 Spezial
AustroVap® SK-AL 0.35

Would you like to learn more about our AustroVap® vapour barrier membranes? We are happy to tell you more – just give us a call.